《 Enjoy Love 》情趣比基尼!繡花串珠綁帶三點式雙細帶丁字褲兩件組
Agent Provocateur|傑斯 Jayce 法式刺繡丁字褲 鈷藍色
Agent Provocateur|坦妮亞 Tanya 法式刺繡丁字褲 黑色
滑順公主 催 淫 XXX
DitaVonTeese|Madame XXX 連身衣 雲杉木
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【INGEN BITCH Vibrating 10段變頻跳蛋性感丁字褲】
帶有遙控充電子彈的性感婊子丁字褲為穿著者提供強烈的 G 點刺激。
隱藏的可充電子彈緊貼您的陰蒂,帶來絕密的振動樂趣,您可以遠程控制它長達 10 米。
送給您的狂野伴侶的絕妙有趣禮物,非常適合性刺激或 BDSM 性生活!

NCC型式認證號碼與產品 :CCAJ21LP20B0T2
Sexy bitch thong with a remote controlled rechargeable bullet delivers intense G-Spot stimulation to the wearer.
The hidden rechargeable bullet nestles against your clitoris for top-secret vibration delight, and you can remotely control it up to 10 meters.
This Sexy bitch thong with full cheek exposure design will enhance your pleasure instantly, and it is so comfortable to wear daily. A hidden pocket in the crotch of the sexy thong holds the included 10 x function mini bullet for comfortable and discreet stimulation.
A fantastic fun gift for your wild partner, perfect for sex stimulation or a BDSM sex life!
